Friday, August 8, 2008


Today was my day off from work. Hubby is a sweetie and suggested we check out a quilt shop in Little Rock when we went out today to run errands. Oh boy, oh boy, did I have *SEX! (And my husband and son watched me do it!!!)
I have been so good for SO long and haven't been buying material. I really splurged today! I bought two half-yards of dark fabric for the wedding ring quilt, two for the wedding ring quilt and one white with black outlined cat print, three yards of a nice neutral light to add to my stash (that has almost no lighter fabrics), and the best *SEX ever was eight and a half yards of a Kaufman print that is also very light colored....FOR $2.00 A YARD!!!! It was on clearance. Almost sixty bucks spent, and I feel great and so spoiled! lol

I have the fabrics washing right now so I can start cutting fabric tonight and tomorrow for the wedding ring quilt. I want to finish it in time for our ninth wedding anniversary next spring. The number 9 has a lot of meaning for us, so it seemed appropriate to work on a quilt to commemorate that upcoming event.

I laid out the other wedding ring quilt fabrics and took them into Photo-shop to put into gray-scale this morning. Now it is easier to see their color values in gradated order for cutting strips.

*SEX = Stash Enhancing eXperience for those who didn't know. :)

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