We managed to spend a whopping $5.00 on the fund raising auction. I got a book with old block patterns in it and one of Earlene Fowler's books called "Irish Chain". I haven't read any of her books that I can recall, so for a buck, I thought I'd give it a try. I also got a big bag of cotton cording to start my next rug with!
Lady Lego went back THREE times to the tables that were groaning with all sorts of treats.

Ok, off to wrap up the rest of the presents. If Tommy does his shopping at school today, I can ship everything out tomorrow! Unless I make those oven mitts. hmmmmmmm
I am SO anxious to get on to other projects, now that my gift making is done!!! I have found white fuzzy fabric in my stash that I hope to make into a bunny rabbit for an Easter wall-hanging. Then there are those bright batik-y looking fabrics calling me, and, and, and, and, :D
Sherri, your lego lady is too cute. Love the orange and white pillows.
I have several Anonymous posters...if you don't give me a clue as to which one you are, I will go pout in the corner!!!
lol and yes, Ms Lego Lady is a peach of a pickle for sure! lol
Oops, sorry, guess I wasn't signed into my account. 'tis Blue
Thanks for the note on my blog!
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