I agonized over how to finish it for WEEKS! I did some more simple borders, carefully measuring each one to make it increase in size at the same rate. Mistake #1 was the last border should have been about a half inch wider to take into account the binding covering it. That isn't such a big deal because I have done this many times before on other quilts. I need to learn my lesson and remember to take into account that final border measurement on future quilts!
The added fan borders are not pretty though. They are not even or equal and have a huge bump where the points all meet.
Then the quilting fiasco started. You can see some good and some (very) bad stitching. I had SO many tension issues with this quilt!!! It wasn't the quilt's fault though. It was my setup. I still have not worked out all the bugs.
Here you can see where the bottom thread (black) came up to the top:

This is much prettier if you don't notice the pale green thread that joined those two vertical seams:

If it wasn't wrinkles, it was loopies:

In MUCH better news, the hexagon quilt is now mounted on the machine frame and I am using this setup to thread-baste it. Then I will take it off the machine frame and hand quilt it.

I would love input from you, dear readers, on whether or not taking the House Medallion Quilt to the guild and sharing how bad it really is with others, would be a good thing? Your thoughts?
I say bring it to the guild. Point out the "oops" things if you like, it humbles us and you will see how you'll hear "I did that too, or Glad I'm not the only one!" As you know...I tend to point out my mistakes that worked out when I lecture!
Absolutely..TAKE IT!!!! Someone might even have "been there, done that" and have an easy fix for it.
I'd take it. Whenever people praise my machine quilting, I always invite them to look at the back and see my loopies and wrinkles and nests. Actually what gave me the courage to try machine quilting in the first place was when a VERY big name quilter did a trunk show at my guild and I saw that her quilting was not perfect, but the total effect of the finished quilt was amazing!
Of course, I hadda look! You are a learner and a teacher. I've tried to do things because you have mentioned them here. You have taught me a lot. Still haven't tried the 'inchies', maybe some day. Thanks for being my friend. XO
I disagree with everyone. I wouldn't bring it. What would be the point? If you learned something and fixed everything, bring the fixed piece and tell them that this was a challenge that you resolved and how you resolved it. I try to find the best or the learning experience in every situation and try very hard not to engage in negative self talk, because it isn't productive for me.
Perhaps, however, you have the kind of guild where this kind of thing is encouraged and you will get kudos?
I am still undecided about taking it or not. The point would be to let others feel like they don't have to give up on a project just because of the issues similar to this quilt's issues. I would hope that it also shows that everyone makes mistakes...and when you do, LEARN from them!
I realize I often sound like I am putting myself down on things. I wasn't meaning to here. I was more trying to say that in spite of the foibles, I LEARNED from my mistakes. I practiced techniques that will be better on the next project because of mistakes on this one.
I don't know if my guild would encourage something like this and BECAUSE I might get kudos for it, it would defeat the purpose for sharing.
LOTS of food for thought here. Thank you EVERYONE for your input!
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