I have a variety of projects in the works. I like variety. I get bored easily and like changing from one station to another as I work on whatever is catching my attention at the time. I haven't been quilting on the House Medallion quilt very much. The reason is I am still suffering with some tension issues. It IS moving along and though there are buggers in it due to tension, it is still one of my better works~machine-quilting-wise.

I don't understand why the tension fluctuates so much. Am I hitting the knob and whacking it out of adjustment? Is it because it is towards the end of a bobbin? Or the beginning of the bobbin? And why does my speed regulator fluctuate? So many questions...so much more to learn!!!
I worked on cleaning off my cutting table yesterday. I devoted 15 minutes to it. This is a VAST improvement over the piles that were there 48 hours ago. I forgot to work 15 minutes on it today, but will do that tomorrow morning, when I am more rested.

For you detectives out there, did you figure out what I was doing on the KQ Challenge?

Is it clearer now?

How about now?

YES! It is a simple tumbling block pattern. Ah, but what will I DO with this? Stay tuned to find out. :)

Here is a small pile of the Cathedral Windows "pillows" waiting to be sewn together. They are sitting on top of the hexagon table runner that I am still hand quilting.

Here are four pillows sewn together and some of the 'windows' I will be using. I am so anxious to add the color to this project!
The weather is unrealistically cold for this part of the country. Single digit temps and strong winds make for bone chilling dashes to and from the car to get the boy at school! No dog walking either! Shoot, I can hardly get the dogs to go out long enough to do their business! lol
Keep warm all, happy sewing! :)
Sherri, where did you get the patterns for your hexagons? Did you buy the plastic things? Thing I'm gonna try this. Love the colors in yours. Blue
I print out hexagons onto vellum paper. I have used regular typing paper too, but like the vellum better. I use a "generator" online to make the pattern on paper to print out a page of hexagons. http://incompetech.com/graphpaper/hexagonal/ They have other shapes too. You can input the size you want and it fits as many as possible on a sheet of paper. I reused mine too, until they wore out.
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