Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It was a Calm Storm

It has been quite the day here!
The snow started around 8:00 this morning.
By 3:00pm this afternoon, it had dumped a pretty good amount!
It looks to be over six inches.
In spite of the snow, or maybe because of it,
I went for a walk with my German Shepherd, Ziva.
She loves the snow!
Inside, I played too. I started sewing some of the blocks together on the 'Leafy Log' quilt. I also dug out the four border pieces for the U is for Unicorn quilt. I have a bunch of applique' to do on it.
I find I have to be careful because the "My Tweets" quilt is influencing me! They are both applique' type quilts but they are made, using very different methods! I need to mind the color choices too. It will all turn out ok, but I found it funny that I have such a bird (on the) brain.
I have homemade chili in the crock-pot for supper. Soon I will put the cornbread in the oven to bake. We are enjoying our winter day home!

Are YOU sewing something? No? Well then,
Go Sew Something!!!

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