I recently splurged AND supported my LQS by overpaying for
Perfect Circles® made by
Karen Kay Buckley. Can you see them there? I made arrows pointing them out as well as the circles I made with them for one of the future My Tweets blocks.

I wish I had them when I put together the first nine blocks! They are just the ticket for ease of use. I need to find this 'plastic' and make some leaf templates. The Mylar I have been using just does not hold up to the heat of my iron!
I also
thought I was done with block nine of the My Tweets blocks. However, I did not like the way the leaves at the bottom of the heart looked.

So I played around with them and I am thinking I will put four leaves on like this:

Instead of the two leaves that I had floating out in space on the first picture, I think these four leaves look more-better!
I also played around with the layout for the black and white quilt. I think I am going to go with this one:

I put it into my EQ7 and added cornerstones and border work too. I think this will be just right for making this quilt.
That's it for today folks! My mood improves with all this fabric therapy!!! I hope yours does too.
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