Sunday, June 9, 2019

Fashion, flowers, and finishes

I was in the doctor's office waiting room and there was only one magazine within reach. It was one of those fancy ones filled with things I could never afford, even if I wanted them. One of the ads was for this designer dress:

I crochet and this is so much like the granny square afghan I made back in the 70's, it isn't even funny! I just don't get high end fashion. I am a blue jeans and t-shirt type of gal. I guess I'd be looked down upon by fashion experts, but I prefer comfort, so sue me.

Our Rose of Sharon bushes are blooming. I love love love the purple one. It is soooo pretty! 
Isn't this gorgeous? Even close up, the insides are amazing.

I got the top of the Charlie Brown quilt sewn together. Next comes batting, backing, and quilting. It is such a happy little quilt!

Here is a finish! The Lancaster quilt, or Folk Art Quilt, as I call it, is done! I am very happy with how this one turned out. I started this around February 2015 and it is all needle-turn applique work. Thanks go to Christy Burdick from Sycamore Hill Quilts for her pattern called "Lancaster County". 

I had a small adventure when grocery shopping the other day. My car is on the right. It is good I haven't gained any more weight or I would not have been able to get into my car! Crawling over from the passenger side was NOT an option. I managed to squeeze in though and didn't scratch the other car's mirror, though I did try to move it. haha
Until next time, happy sewing y'all, and don't park so dang close! hahahahaha

1 comment:

Jaye said...

That haute couture (I assume?) crochet outfit said granny squares to me right away. I wonder if there are some poor Bangledeshi women crocheting for pennies or if it is machine made somewhere? I can't imagine they are finding fine craftswomen to make each garment. And people regularly bash and misunderstand "making."

I am not at all bashing the amazing quiltmaking you have been doing. I don't remember that Snoopy quilt, but it is cheerful. Your folk Art Quilt is amazing. Congratulations on the finish! You always make me wish I enjoyed hand applique'.