Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hot Yarn for Hot Days

 It's been crazy hot weather here, for the past month. I avoid that heat by staying indoors with the AC running and crocheting. I am almost done with my Mister's cardigan:

I also took the time to go through my closet. Here is the pile of clothes I set aside to donate to a local thrift shop that helps those who are less fortunate. I've been lucky enough to lose enough weight, this past year, to need some smaller clothes!

This is a new-to-me Canna Lily in full bloom, in my flowerbed.

I forced myself to go in to my studio during the long weekend we just had. I made a mug rug (approx 8"x10") for our guild meeting tomorrow night. It was a challenge from the new challenge coordinator.

That's all for today. I am going to go finish the pockets for the cardigan while at the same time, I'm thinking about the next crochet project! Happy crafting y'all!

Mount Magazine State Park - June 2024

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