Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hot Yarn for Hot Days

 It's been crazy hot weather here, for the past month. I avoid that heat by staying indoors with the AC running and crocheting. I am almost done with my Mister's cardigan:

I also took the time to go through my closet. Here is the pile of clothes I set aside to donate to a local thrift shop that helps those who are less fortunate. I've been lucky enough to lose enough weight, this past year, to need some smaller clothes!

This is a new-to-me Canna Lily in full bloom, in my flowerbed.

I forced myself to go in to my studio during the long weekend we just had. I made a mug rug (approx 8"x10") for our guild meeting tomorrow night. It was a challenge from the new challenge coordinator.

That's all for today. I am going to go finish the pockets for the cardigan while at the same time, I'm thinking about the next crochet project! Happy crafting y'all!

Mount Magazine State Park - June 2024

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Ahhhhhhh, Life!

It's been a busy spring. I have lots to share, some crocheting, some quilting, and some life events.

I made a cardigan! This is crocheted. I kinda like it, but I probably won't keep this one. I learned a LOT about stitches and making a garment.

This isn't much to brag about. It's a challenge block for our guild. I am no longer the challenge coordinator but did it to be supportive of the new person who is doing challenges this year.

I did make a quilt top. This was another challenge in an online group I belong to. There are seven blocks that we swapped out with each other. I also made an eighth block and added more squares and borders. It's simple, but colorful. I will be donating this to our Community Outreach gals in our guild.

I have started another cardigan. This one will be for my husband. He picked out the yarn. I shared several patterns with him and he also picked out the pattern. I have finished the front two panels so far.
I'm really learning how to work with cable stitches on this one! I DO like how it's turning out.

I started this book as a challenge for me this year.There are a lot of creative prompts that are really stretching the imagination.  Let me tell you, it has been QUITE the challenge for me! 
I hope I can keep it up for the year.

On one of our daily walks we were treated to a brilliant rainbow over our home.

Actually, nature has shared a bunch of interesting moments with us this spring. This bloom is some type of squash. I don't know what kind. It might even be a pumpkin. I tossed a bunch of pumpkins and gourds and the like, in a part of my garden that had nothing in it last fall. I can't wait till I find out what I'm growing! hahaha

On our back porch we were surprised to find a wren had built a nest in one of our planter baskets. The basket was hanging off our flood lights, up above our porch chairs. In spite of our human activity, Mrs Wren decided it would be ok to have us in the area. She laid three eggs, tossed one out, and hatched two babies! We were present when the babies took their first flights. It was a real treat to watch this all happen. 

We've done a lot of camping this spring. I'm sharing a couple photos that I like. The first one is not a fire, it is the sun setting behind the trees, on the mountain we were camping on. The same area has some spectacular sunsets.

Here's one way to keep the bugs off you, while making S'mores:

Roxy came back to the house with a 'toy' one day, last week. Turns out it was a wee box turtle that she'd picked up in our yard. Did you know they can pull themselves into their shells this tightly? I didn't. I kept thinking "Did she (Roxy) bite the poor thing's head off?" I released the turtle on the other side of our fence and it seemed to be ok.

Mother's Day happened and as usual, I was spoiled a bit by my kids and of course by my sweet husband. (btw, I made that tablecloth)

That's about it for today. I want to get back to work on the cardigan or the socks that are ready for the heel turns. I find the heels are the hardest part to do, but I'll get them done....eventually.

 Till next time, happy crafting!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Spring happenings

 The big eclipse event has come and gone. My son got this photo, during totality:

It was quite the experience and we had the event of a lifetime from the total eclipse in our area.

I've started another cardigan. This time I also did gauge testing.
I'm glad I did because it helped me get the right sized hook and also gave me practice time with new-to-me stitches. As you can see, with this swatch, I needed to practice a bit more before continuing on to the full pattern.

I've finished the back and started on one of the two front panels. 
After the first front panel, I actually won "Yarn Chicken" with only a little yarn leftover.

I worked up another pair of socks for The Mister:

The design wall is mostly a placeholder for these blocks until my sewing mojo returns:

My bestest helper, Dex:

I have worked on the Cathedral Windows quilt a little. It is very slow going.

I made a pair of socks for a friend:

That's all for now folks! 
Happy Crafting!!!

Friday, February 9, 2024

Weather work

We had our southern version of Winter arrive last month. It might not look like much but we were stuck at home for four days as they don't plow all the streets in our city. It did finally warm up and melt away. 

My aloe plant surprised me by blooming! It started in January

The birds were not amused at how cold it was:

Inside was nice and warm. I started quilting the Mystery Quilt from our guild challenge. Do you see my little helper watching over me?
Here's a closer look:

When our son was home from college, he managed to lose a sock in the laundry. It made a reappearance a few weeks later, attached to some sheets I had washed at the same time.
I put the sock in a safe place until my son came home for a visit.

The aloe blooms continue to provide pretty colors:

Dex is catching a few rare rays of sunshine

Here is the finished Mystery Quilt. It's a lovely pattern and very dramatic when done in neutrals.
The binding was rolled over from the backing and is a subtle mauve color:

Today it will be pushing 70 degrees outside. This is my collection of jackets, hats, scarves, and mittens. I never know which combination I'll have to use to go for my daily walks. lol

I tried my hand at making hand pies. They were a hit for supper!

The sky was gorgeous the morning I took this photo:

I got a farmer's box of fruits and vegetables in the mail. It's a part of a program for seniors that I get with my insurance plan and they send them out once per year. I love veggies like these! Kale and broccoli will only be eaten by me, so I don't have to share! hahaha

I am toying with making something odd with these poor old dolls that I got at a local thrift shop. I hope to make them into something very different and odd. Like me! hahaha

That's the latest for today. Until next time, enjoy the process and craft your heart out!