I expected this book to be primarily about thread painting. Boy was I wrong! I was tickled to see what all was covered in it!
There was info about threads, machines, needles, techniques, and MORE! All this information was right there at my fingertips! I don't have to be tied to the computer to read up on them. I knew a lot of these things but never can remember them when I need to. Now I have, what I consider to be, a terrific reference book! I will be able to take a quick look to see what it was I needed for such and such a technique, and I won't have to surf the web and waste time at my computer! Besides, I always get distracted at the computer and take too much time away from my sewing.
I really liked one of the quilts featured in this book. It was the one with the trees and fence in a wintry setting. I was also inspired by one of the fancy stitch ideas she shows in the book and will be using it on one of the next blocks I do for my U is for Unicorn quilt. There is a lot of thread work and appliqué on that quilt and there are several ideas in Ms Smith's book that will be tried out!
I am VERY impressed with this book and definitely will NOT be passing it onto anyone! It is MINE MINE MINE! lol I understand the author plans to do a companion book to this one. I won't hesitate to add it to my small but VERY selective library of quilting must-haves!
In other news, I've been beating myself up today. I USED to own a Q-Snap floor frame, a Grace floor frame, and a Grace hoop/floor frame. I kept the Jasmine Heirloom frame out of the four, when we moved, thinking it was the best one I had, even though I had never actually used it. I had tried the other three. There were things I did and didn't like about each.
Today I started trying to load the hexagon quilt onto the Jasmine frame. Ick, ick, ick, I hate this frame!!!!!! I am pretty sure I will be quilting this humongous quilt in my biggest hoop, in my lap. I just can't justify buying one of the other frames right now, though I AM leaning towards the Q-Snap again. lol
Here is the start of loading the hexagon quilt in the Jasmine frame:

Thanks so much for the review of Sarah's book. Think I must order that right now!
Happy New Year! Love you, Blue
Ho boy. I ordered Sarah's book and gee, had to order several more things from Amazon. LOL Happy New Year to me. Hope we
all have a great crafty year.
Hugs, Blue
Thanks Blue! I really think this is a great book to have in my library and I am not one to JUST say things like that unless I MEAN it! lol
Well, I got the book and am a bit disappointed. The font is small and very light. Have for someone with vision problem. :( Wouldn't mind paying a bit more for a book that is easier to read. On the other hand, it is an interesting book and I should learn something?
Blue, I think it is the way of books these days. I can't tell you how many I have seen that are all but impossible to read, due to fine print. I guess ink is cheaper than more paper! I still think this is a fabulous book though. SO much information in it!!! I hope you enjoy it, in spite of the print size. :)
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