Ok, I admit it. I am stuck. I am avoiding several projects at hand because I am just not sure how I should proceed. OR I am not wanting to face the intricate work on the Unicorn Quilt. I decided to just take a few photos of random thoughts.
First up is a pattern that I was trying to sell. It is one of Karen Stone's and is paper pieced. I have also been trying to figure out what to do with the leftover old fashioned fabric strips. I have the idea that perhaps I should challenge myself to make the pattern, using the leftover fabrics!

Next up is that challenge quilt. I have agonized over how to finish it. I am not as worried about the borders as I am trying to make it unique. My latest idea is to put little fabric buttons on it.

This next photo isn't because I am procrastinating. I just wanted to put up some of my cathedral window blocks because it is so pretty! I am doing most of the sewing by hand and plan to spend a few years on making it. It looks like it has little jewels in it, doesn't it? :) I work on this a little every night while watching TV. I usually get two colored squares sewn down, per night.

At my
Pfaff machine, I have the last letter block to make and then a bunch of accent blocks for the U is for Unicorn quilt. I am not working on it though, because it is VERY labor intensive.

At the
Juki I have the Cathedral Window block backgrounds. (white muslin) This is the only part I am machine sewing. I stopped in the middle of doing them because the bobbin ran out. To the right are scraps that I am using when I start and stop. I plan to sew them together and make little blocks out of them. The fabric is mostly from the Cathedral Window quilt centers. The fabric is just too pretty and bright to throw away!

Here is a shot, looking out my studio window. There is snow on the ground. This is rare for central Arkansas. It should be perfect sewing weather but instead I am blogging.
The cathedral windows are like little jewels. Very nice! It is nice to see a picture out your studio window. Perhaps you would share one each month with us from the same angle?
Interesting idea Jaye. Now if I can only remember to do that! lol Thanks for stopping by. :)
Doesn't look much like procrastinating to me, but maybe we have different definitions of it ! Love how that cathedral windows is looking, really cheery. Amazing that you have so much snow.
LOL, thanks Julie! (glad to see you posting again btw)
I was procrastinating because I had all those projects just sitting around and was avoiding doing anything!
We have more snow now, than we did in that photo!
Thanks for stopping by!
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