I flipped the photo so you can see how just that small change makes a difference in how this quilt looks:

To confuse you all further, here is another photo with a slight difference:
As if you are not confused enough, here is one more idea:

As if you are not confused enough, here is one more idea:

AFTERTHOUGHTS: I've been musing lately, about my projects and such. I think I need to move away from a quilter's (only) frame of mind and expand on some more of my artistic projects. I wouldn't take a hiatus from making quilts though. I was more thinking that I might make a commitment to do an art project a week. Of course there will be times that that wouldn't work, due to time constraints.
hmmmmm......I need a theme...I need inspiration...I need to be pushed...hmmmm...let me get back to you on this!
hmmmmm......I need a theme...I need inspiration...I need to be pushed...hmmmm...let me get back to you on this!
I vote for number 4, 2 is a close second, but I liked the darker borders at the top and bottom a bit better.
I am leaning in that direction too. At the very least the bottom border should be the darker fabric.
btw, there is no binding on this quilt. This last border will be the edge. Thanks for your input!
I really like #4 with the darker top and bottom border. I also like the layout better.
Whatever you decide will be great.
How about another doll?
Thanks Blue. I still have not put the borders on this piece! But I agree, #4 has the most elements that please my eyes.
As to the doll...I have been thinking about finishing one I have almost done. I also have many artsy projects that are in my brain!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
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