I was concerned when I saw the word for this week. (Cafe')Within minutes though, I had this idea!

(Remember, you can click on the picture for a larger view.)
~~~and then some more...~~~
When I went to get my soup for lunch, dear hubby had put this rose next to it:
First Rose of the Season
(He's so sweet!)
When I went to get my soup for lunch, dear hubby had put this rose next to it:

(He's so sweet!)
I used the full can of stain on the tree. There are a few spots that need touching up. I am not sure if I will buy more stain or use something else I have on hand, to touch this up. Of course the plans I have for it might cover up those spots anyways.

Isn't it pretty!!!

~~~and one more thing~~~

~~~and one more thing~~~
I've been reading about an author/artist today because Jaye said something about her to me. More on that another day. In the process of looking at books and searching on them and then requesting them through our library, I was also reading book reviews. It struck me that several book reviews compared the books I was looking at, to "The Artist's Way." I recalled that I used to own that book but sold it or gave it away, many years ago. But wait...did I REALLY? I went and looked and wow, I still own that book. I think I will spend the rest of my day looking at it again. I will also keep working on tiny bits of fabric applique for the Unicorn quilt!
Enjoy your weekend!
Enjoy your weekend!
You are gonna need a BIGGER table! LOL
Love that the magazine is plummeting to the floor
It is a menu, not a magazine. :) and thank you very much!
Love the idea of Cafe' of Creativity. I think you should rename your blog that! Great prompt response!
I'll try that idea on for a while and see if it fits Jaye. :)
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