This is pretty much my only Easter decoration...an Easter tree:

Here is the little design wall again. I was going to crop the photo but decided you might like to see a full shot. See the dragon tail over on the left? There is a silky stuffed dragon sitting on top of my dress form.

Here is the progress on the Cathedral Windows quilt:

I've been thinking a lot about my artistic moods of late. I don't know if I can explain it or not. It is like I don't believe in fantasy anymore and therefore can't seem to nail down anything in my head, to inspire a project. I want to make something with that tree that I posted a while back. I have had many ideas about it, but every time I go to thinking I will start the project, my brain stops working. I don't know if I fear hating what I start doing or fear failure or what the problem is?
I will work it all out eventually. Part of my brain says "Why bother making this? It will just collect dust and isn't practical and no one would buy it." I don't know where the idea of having to make art and make money with an art project got stuck into my gray matter, but it is really tripping me up!
The tree is almost dry enough to shellac. Then it will sit on my studio table, daring me to do something with it. It's good we don't have a fireplace!
For a short time, when I was four or five, I attended a nursery school called Connie's Nursery School. We decorated LOTS of eggs by blowing out the insides and painting them. There was a tree in the backyard of the school and we tied the eggs on to the tree with ribbon. I still remember that tree. It was wonderful and magical. Your tree reminds me of that.
I am glad you are still thinking of doing the quilt along. I received the fabric and the other supplies and really just need to get started. I am tripped up a little bit, because the ruler I planned to use doesn't work with the Jelly Roll. I am still working on working that out.
Perhaps think about not selling art, but selling how to tell people to make art. Can you do your tree project and takes notes and photos and then make a tutorial? A pattern? Some kind of inspirational cards? Come at the issue from a different angle.
Thanks Jaye...having an Easter tree was a tradition my Mom had. We blew out eggs and decorated them too. I still have a few that were done when I was a child. We painted them with old fingernail polish.
I've been sick for a few days and cannot think about any quilt-a-longs right now. :( And yes, the tree project will be documented...in my blog. :)
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