- I need to recharge the camera batteries to take pictures
- I don't have anything to take pictures of, anyway
- I am working on binding five quilts for our guild's outreach programs
- I am working on quilting four quilts and later binding them for the same reason
- I am still painting the hall bathroom (over two weeks now?)
- I finished my "Disappearing Halloween" quilt and it did not win a prize and I don't know what to do with it now, or where to store it
- My landscape challenge quilt did not win anything either and will be on display for a while, along with the 60-some, other quilts from the same challenge
- I want to work on the Cathedral Windows quilt but am forcing myself to work on the hexagon quilt instead or it will never get done! (besides the hexagon quilt is too big to store, un-quilted)
I should be working on things to sell at the craft store. Trouble is, so far, I have only sold just enough to pay the rent for the space...no profit. What sells is mostly the cheap stuff. The crafted things or artsy things are not selling at all, even with rock bottom pricing! I am seriously thinking of quitting that place and just putting up my things on Etsy (for which I have an account, but have never used) or on my for sale pages with this blog.
I am having one of those moments where I wonder why I make more quilts, as I don't use them or really have the space to store them! I know other people have been asked that same question, "What do you do with all the quilts you make?" I have used up the ideas! I have many hanging on the walls and more folded up in the closets. I give away many for presents, but how many quilts are really needed in Austin, TX? (If you don't know, it is rather warm there, most of the time)
Which brings me all back around to this. I took on the quilts from the guild in order to give myself permission to not do anything of my own. It gives me time to think about what I will do next. At the same time, I keep my hands busy, doing these little quilts that I know I won't mess up. No pressure man! Just fabric therapy.
It has been over 30 days since we've had any rain here. Today it is raining and the dust is settling! The air smells so good! I feel better already. :)
Let's go sew something!
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