Saturday, October 1, 2011

Neglected Duties

I am taking care of some odds and ends that I should have taken care of a while ago. For various reasons though, I didn't get projects done or caught up and didn't write about a gift that I received. Shame on me!!! I shall attempt to catch up some tonight.

I am still behind on some of my Creative Prompts. I managed to knock two more of them out yesterday and today. The first done is NUMBERS. I used a variety of numbers that had meaning to me:
The main one is the big #75. This signifies that I've lost 75 pounds! It's been quite a journey of sorts. I'm not quite sure why it is working this time. I have some ideas though and I am sure happy about it!

The next word I did was NORTH. I think the picture explains itself quite well.
I really enjoy doing the Creative Prompts. Sometimes it is the only creative thing I get done! You can join any time and you don't have to draw your responses. Visit Jaye's blog for more information.

The next thing I have neglected to do was to review this gift I won:
It shouldn't surprise you that I won it through Jaye's blog too! She really is a sweet lady and knows so much about artsy things, including quilting! I am happy to be able to call her a friend.

I wasn't too sure what to do with this 'whack pack' as you don't play a game of cards with it! For me, I like to take a random card out of the deck. I give myself at least a few minutes to read and absorb any meanings I take from the card I drew. When I am stuck on a project, these cards seem to get the brain cells working again.

I just drew a card from this deck, to use as an example here. One one side you get the 'insight' part of it. This particular card says "Those who approach life like a child playing a game, moving and pushing pieces, possess the power of kings." There is a drawing of a child wearing a crown and playing on a chess board.

The reverse side of the card gives several interpretations of the sayings. The message I took away from reading this card was to play more. You need to give yourself permission to play and not get bogged down in the seriousness of your creations. It ended with this saying "What can you play with in your situation. What can you laugh at?"

Whether you are working in artistic things or just contemplating life, these cards suggest different ways of looking at things. It really helps open your perspective on whatever your brain is working on or whatever answers you are looking for.

I admit, I don't use the cards as often as I probably should. Every time I have taken a card or two out, I have gained insights on things. It is a nice tool and a fun one because it has a sense of humor. I would never buy this for myself. But then I never realized its potential to expand the mind.

Okay, I have gotten a little deep here! I will finish by saying the last 'duty' I took care of was the last charity quilt I had to do. I finished two others and turned them in on time. This one will be a little late. It didn't matter that much, but having it sitting, waiting to be done, cluttered my mind!

Now that my mind is de-cluttered and stimulated, it's time to tackle some serious sewing!

1 comment:

Jaye said...

Your responses are wonderful, as usual. Thanks for reviewing the Whack Pack.I don't actually have one, but it is on my list. Now that I know more, perhaps I will buy it. As you told us what one of the cards was like, I was thinking that you could also take one word that stood out to you and do something creative around that. Play really stood out to me and I pictured a playground full of slides and swings and jungle gyms.