Above are the attempts of block making for the March block-of-the-month for my guild. The arched one on the right did not make it as I felt it would be too tricky to have everyone do, much less writing out directions that would make sense! I do like the two on the left though, and will be working on them for the March newsletter. I have always been a fan of purple and blue!
Ziva asks, "Can I come in there with you Mom?"

I am also posting a bunch of creative prompts that I have finished.
#126 is Pumpkin
#124 is Anger
#121 is Aquarium
#119 is Wings
#116 is Breakfast
#125 is Dark
That's all the latest from these parts! See ya next time.
Great job on the prompts! I would really like to know the participation of your guild in the block of the month. How does the program work? Does everyone join in?
The participation varies, depending on the type of block. As you can imagine, paper-pieced blocks are the least favorite, then appliqued blocks get a little better turnout, and pieced blocks seem to be the ones that we get the most blocks turned in.
Out of our small guild of less than 100, I get from six blocks to 20 blocks turned in for the drawing each month.
It was really neat that at our holiday show and tell two winners from 2011 had made their blocks into finished quilts!
It works like this: The newsletter comes out with a block design and tutorial, each month. You make a block and bring it to the next meeting. You usually have two weeks to make a block. Everyone who makes a block gets a ticket for a drawing to win all the blocks. If you make more than one block, you'll get a ticket for each block you turn in.
Last year I did a calender themed BOM with each block being the same size. There were several ladies who made blocks for themselves each month and I hope to see a few completed quilts this year, from last years blocks.
This year I am making all the blocks from different sizes. It isn't easy, designing a block and writing the tutorial! But I try to do that so I don't have to worry about copyright issues. Clear as mud? :)
I am really liking your blocks.....hope your guild members appreciate your efforts!
Okay... lets see if I can figure out this word code verification....why are they making them so difficult to decifer
I am sorry about the word verification thing. Why little old ME gets spammers is beyond me!!! (and I get some weird ones...not counting Jaye, of course ;)
And thanks for the block comments. The guild is great and I always have a minimum of at least one person and usually more, that give me kudos for doing the blocks and newsletter. :D
Thanks for stopping by Jill! I often stop by your blog too, but don't always clutter up your comment space. :D
Oh, and by clutter I mean I may have been too lazy that day to add to it! lolol BAD ME!
Those are some great drawings! Especially Anger. So easy to go off on that emotion when what you really need to do is listen and then shut up.
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