Things are humming along here in the studio. I have been a busy bee! Not only winning those prizes, but for some reason, new fabric showed up on my doorstep. I guess the Fabric Fairy left them here.

One pile of fabric that came was this adorable print and coordinating striped fabric. I plan to make pillowcases out of it all. They will be a gift for someone special!

I have been working on taking my costume dresses in, AGAIN. I have taken several inches off the sides and now need to take more off by making a seam go up the back. Here I have cut out the back to make this dress smaller. This is a heavy twill like fabric and not easy to sew through!
I recently took a cardboard tube box and covered it with an old calendar page.

There are rubber bands in place on it to help hold it while the glue dried. I then put Decoupage over it all.
You can also see some odd metal parts laying there. Those are clock parts from an old broken chime clock that I spied at the side of the road during one of my walks. Rather than putting it into the landfill, I saved it for an odd project that I plan to do.
I also bought some Rit Dye to over dye some jeans and our costume pieces that are sun faded.

While in the store, a few
extras caught my eye. There is some Lumiere fabric paint for that landscape quilt I want to embellish. I also bought jewelry findings for some bead work I want to try. The glue is strictly Mark Lipinski's fault! His
FaceBook Fan page has lots of inspiring projects on it, one of which was gluing pretty sparkly things onto glass.

My table has a lot of different projects on it! You can see piles of fabric in the background, bits and pieces to starch and prepare for another of the My Tweets blocks, the jewelry and glass project supplies, the costume I am working on, and more!

I recently adopted a second Orchid because I could not resist the colors on this one. It has been here for a few weeks now and seems to be quite happy!

Here is another My Tweets block, partially glued down.
Today I hope to work on the costumes first. Once they are done, I need to over dye them. Our next show is at the end of April. I don't want to leave these till the last minute or I will mess them up if I rush things!
I hope you are all enjoying your day too. Springtime is such a nice time of year!
you are very creative to save all those parts
Thank you! I hope I do justice to the designs rolling around in my brain now! lol
OH you have been busy, love the cardboard box makeover...all of your fabrics are just wonderful!
Thank you for stopping by Barb!
Did you get get the costumes done? How did the overdyeing go?
I did get the costumes done Jaye and the over-dying turned out wonderfully! However, when we actually got to the event, two of the dresses ended up still, too loose! I am going to attempt to take those two in AGAIN, before we go to the show in November. I also have to remake all of the boy's costumes because he grew a foot or two last night. :D
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