Thursday, June 20, 2019

Yaaay Summertime!

Summertime in the south is like wintertime in the north. You stay indoors cuz it is freakin' hot and humid outside! Tomorrow is the first day of summer and it is coming in with a blast, blast furnace that is. hahaha

Last week was nicer weather. We had to have a huge oak tree removed before it damaged our foundation. Oh I hated losing that grand old tree. 

Watching the tree cutters was awesome. They did a great job and never hit the house.
Up over the roof

There isn't much left to do here. They took away all the big stuff and we were able to keep some smaller logs for campfires. The stump will be ground out this fall. It was over three feet across.

This past weekend some jerk thought it would be fun to smash out one of our car's windows. Argh! Nothing was stolen. This happened in the middle of the day too, while we were on a quick errand. We have no idea who did it. It is fixed now, but it was sure irritating.

On a happier note, I found this little curio cabinet at a rummage sale. It cost all of $5. The front and sides are Plexiglas and it can sit on a table or be hung on the wall. I am not sure what I will do with it, but I bet I will figure out something.

I finally got all the cutting done for Bonnie Hunter's Ringo Lake mystery quilt. 

I hope to start assembling it this coming weekend. The layout will be something like this:

This is my dog, Dexter. Dexter is looking at the dryer because 
his dog food is on top of it, in a bucket.

He's looking over his shoulder at me.
"I'm hungry Mom"
"Oh well. I will just wait here"

I fed him soon after these photos. He has me trained so well. 
That's it for now! Happy Sewing Y'all!


Crowbat said...

Dexter is so adorable. LOVE the mystery quilt!! That's beautiful! And may the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of whoever broke your window.

Jaye said...

Your Ringo Lake quilt is wonderful. I really like that pink.I didn't know you were working on one of Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilts. Did you start it when it was a mystery or recently? Do you ever post a full list of projects in process?