Monday, April 13, 2020

Stalled out

I didn't get much done in the studio last week. Even so, I still have a lot of different things to share.

First up is the latest of our spring flowers in bloom. The red ones are Dianthus. They were a gift from my husband's sister and her husband. They were planted last year and came back just fine, this year!

I think these are English bluebells.
They are not blue, bluebells, but are purple and quite tall.

When I turned the calendar page to April, there was an owl and that message. It sure seems appropriate for the times we are living in!

The Mister brought home a couple jigsaw puzzles. We started this one on April 1st. It took about a week to finish. Doing puzzles reminds me of when I was a young girl. Mom, my two sisters, and I would often work on puzzles during the long winter days in Minnesota.

I decided to do sashing and corner stones for the "Quarantine Quilt" and have started putting them together. The "Quarantine Quilt" is a project I got from Frank Palmer of Full Frontal Quilt and Dyeworks, a fellow quilter in Duluth, MN.

I found my baggie of cat fabrics and am making a quilt for a cat lover that I know:

I did more baking. These are molasses cookies in the oven.
The recipe is probably close to 100 years old. I have it on a card that looks like my grandmother wrote it but it says the recipe is from Hattie. That would have been my grandfather's sister. Either way, these are chewy ooey, gooey goodness!

This doll has been in the family for over 60 years. I believe my dad might have gotten it for me when I was about two years old.

I found this photo of the original doll online:
I think these are called POOKS dolls from 1952. J.H.Y. Enterprises is stamped on her foot. There are a lot of dolls from this era but I cannot find more information about this asian version. It could be because the Korean war was still going on. I will probably keep digging to see if I can find more information. I am also going to make the poor thing an outfit.

I know this does not look appetizing but it is that cheddar bread that I made a few weeks ago. This second batch was almost as good as the first one! I learned that the wetter the dough, the lighter the resulting bread would be.
It was served with homemade chicken and rice soup. This crock pot was full when I declared supper was done. It's good I took the photo when I did. There was only a few grains of rice left when I went to clean up the kitchen. There were no leftovers for lunch the next day!

This is my quick and easy, no-knead bread dough. It was a little too wet this day, but I still baked it up and the family was fed.
I like putting sesame seeds on top. This bread is so awesome tasting. It doesn't make good sandwiches on the second day but it does make the most terrific toast!

Roxy is moping about:

Loki doesn't seem too lively either:

OH, so that is the trouble. He's staring at her bone and she is trying to ignore him.
I suppose I better tend to them before a fight breaks out. They can be very territorial when it comes to their favorite toys and bones.

Till next time, happy sewing y'all!

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