Oh boy, what a flurry of events since I last posted! One son that moved in with us in late April, moved back out after getting a new job and his own apartment. It was nice having him around, but we sure were crowded!
My youngest son went back to college. Because of covid, he can't come back and forth on the weekends now. I miss him as well. He sent me this photo from an overlook that is near the college. That's the Arkansas River way down below him.
Remember these socks from last month?
I finished them! They are actually usable too!
I am also experimenting with making clothing that I hope to actually wear!
This will be a sleeveless tunic style top. I am making this first one with 'junque' yarn before using the nicer stuff for better quality items.
In between times I have had my adventures. This is one of the lights by our front door. Do you see anything wrong here?
How about now?
I had walked by and felt a sting on the back of my neck! One little sucker got me. I got even. They've been evicted.After that nastiness, how about a little beauty?
I can't believe it, but I have Morning Glories blooming! I didn't even know they had come back this year. hahaha. I need to get some more seeds to add to this area so they come back again next year.
Let's go back to crocheting socks. Here is yet another pair I worked on. This is a progress photo:
And just today I finished them! I am starting to feel proud of my crocheting. It's giving me some confidence when they start turning out better as I make each pair. I have more yarn and hope to make even more socks. Dexter is waiting for me. He isn't interested in a pair of socks.
I'll get back to sewing again someday. For now, yarn has been the right project.
Till next time, happy sewing or crocheting y'all.
Love the socks! Those will be so nice with the coming cold weather. Now I want to paint morning glories. I have some covering my poor, neglected fig plant. I should go take a photo before they close for the day. Give Dex a scratch for me.
Thanks! I've made it a mission to make real socks that can actually be worn and that I would WANT to wear. Same for clothing. I don't know why. lol I will pass on some scratches to Dex from you. My morning glories were a shock this year. I didn't plant them and it's been years since any grew there. lol
I can't wait to see your painted morning glories!
How is your son doing at college? Is he able to have some fun or are they all locked down all the time? The sweater is very bright, but in a wearable way.
Is that a wasp nest?
Thanks for asking. He's doing fine so far. He's supposed to come home around Halloween to finish the semester online. He only had one class that he went to once a week, in person. He's done with that now and is taking everything online right now, in his dorm room.
Yes, a paper wasp nest!!! Our exterminator came and took care of it for us since hubby is allergic!
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