Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Reverse Cabin Fever

When I lived in Minnesota there was a term used, called "Cabin Fever". It referred to the long colder, snowier wintertimes. You were stuck in the house because it was too cold to go out or you were snowed in.
Here in the south, we have summers that are way too hot to go outside in. I call it "Reverse Cabin Fever". This past week has been brutal.
What better way to pass the time, than to sit inside and do some crafting!

The Orphan Block Challenge came to an end at the last guild meeting. Overall, there were over 50 quilt tops made because of this challenge. Everyone really pitched in and helped make all of them.

There are a few of the last ones that will be turned in at the next meeting: 
There is at least one more to finish up. I am not in any hurry to get it done though, as the Community Service folks are already swamped with our tops.
At the last meeting my friend Janis did a "Meet the Members" presentation. I have helped her with several sewing projects in the past. It was a real treat to see all her projects. Here are the dolls she's made for her granddaughters:
Aren't they adorable!

In the early mornings I try to get at least one walk in before it's so hot that you feel like you'll burst into flames. Imagine my surprise to find this little spitfire that had been dumped at the side of the road!
Sadly, we could not keep her as our dogs see cats as snacks. I got this little one to a shelter and hopefully she/he will be adopted since it's so tiny and cute!

I've been busy working on repairing an old quilt for a friend. It's in sad shape. I am making slow progress. It's interesting to note the skills of the quilter who originally made this. It looks like two different quilters (now three, with my additions) may have worked on it as the stitches are different. It was all done by hand.
Before and after

As hot as it is outside, Roxy decided to sit on the hot cement patio and warm her butt:
She's a strange dog.
My garden is doing pretty good. There are tomatoes on the vines and I can hardly wait till they ripen and I can literally taste the fruits of our labors!

Back inside, I am finally back to working on a quilt with an actual pattern instead of all the improvised ones from the Orphan Block Challenge.
Most of this is just laid out for now, not sewn together.
The little squares are one inch. This will really test my point matching skills!

Last and definitely not least is the Wedding Ring crocheted blanket. I finally finished it!
It's sitting on a queen sized bed. This should keep my daughter and her husband warm next winter. 
OH, this is just the back side of the blanket.

Here's the front:
This took over a year to complete. It was definitely a labor of love.

Dexter watched as I made this blanket. I think he disapproved because he couldn't sit by my side while I was working on it. hahaha

That's all for today. 
Stay cool and happy crafting!


1 comment:

Crowbat said...

It's all beautiful, but that blanket is amazing!! Can you post that to Creative Muse? It's definitely art.