Saturday, September 16, 2023

Cycling Up

 Although this isn't all that impressive, I did take a photo of the Blue Moon we had at the end of August. It was far more impressive in person than in this photo.

So what am I cycling about? Well, I've been working on learning how to alter clothing.
I recently purchased these gray jeans for the huge amount of 50¢ at a local thrift store.
They are inside out at the moment. I have cut off the hem at the bottom. I was delighted to find out they were too big on me. I will use them to see how much I can alter them to make them fit right. In the process, I hope to gain experience in future alterations!

I also purchased this almost brand new gray top. I have this old doily that was in a box from an estate sale that I'm thinking about cutting up and appliquéing it to the top. It's another "up-cycle" project.

I finally got the blocks back from an event that was held in April. We were going to go but I forget what came up and kept us from going. Most of these blocks were made by me. They were supposed to be swapped at the event, but I guess there wasn't much of a turnout. I think I will make sewing machine covers with these.

The latest guild challenge was the Paint Chip Challenge. Participants reached into a bag of paint chip cards and had to use a color from that card, to make their block. The block is done in three colors; white, black, and their paint chip color. I love this block. It's so interesting! It's called the 'Slip Knot Block' and is a pattern from Wendy Russell of

I'm progressing nicely with my latest mosaic crochet project. The colors don't photograph well. They are actually teal blue and navy blue. The pattern is called 'Evelyn's Guitar' by Ashlee Brotzell.

We finally got back to camping last week. We went in the middle of the week and it was so nice and quiet!

I grew peppers from the seeds of miniature sweet peppers you can buy at the grocery store.
I harvested one so far. There are dozens coming though!
The flowers are from the Mister. I put the cheater plug next to it too, so you can see how tiny this one was.

I've pin-basted the Mystery Quilt from our guild challenges. I'm working on basting a different quilt now. Once I have that one ready, I'll sit down and actually quilt a quilt!

Last, but not least, we have never had hummingbirds like we have had this summer. I hope this video works and you can see our many minuscule visitors:

Till next time, happy crafting and happy life!

1 comment:

Jaye said...

So many photos on which to comment!!!

Love the applique on the grey top. It looks great the way you have pinned (I assume).

That block for the paint chip challenge is fantastic.