Thursday, August 28, 2008


There IS beauty in ugly bugs. We had this little guy in our front yard the other night. He had just crawled out of his old shell. His wings are brand new. They glow green. This insect, a cicada, is large as bugs go. His wings are over two inches long! I could not get over them! So gross-out alert, here is "The Bug" (and they were probably mistaken for fairies, way back in the olden days, with those eerie green wings!!!)

If you've stayed with me this long and not gone screaming from the room, here are other things I have been working with:

The bat has a slight shimmer to the top edge of his wings now.

The pumpkin is sewn down now and is smiling at himself in the window pane!

The cat still needs her tail, but she is sewn down now too.

And the witch is running into cloudy weather, as she flies along.

Kevin's quilt has another border on it. The hardest border is yet to come! It is really bugging me as to how to finish this quilt! hehehehe
Remember you can click on a photo to view a larger picture!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cicada and they sing at night. Much better than a locust and prettier too. Some have big, buggy red eyes too. Can't wait to see the finished Halloween quilt. Hugs, Blue