Sunday, September 14, 2008


I have been very sick for over a week and am finally getting the BEST therapy because I am back in the studio! I finished three aprons for a customer, jammie bottoms for Tommy, and step one in the Summer Pickle Mystery Quilt. I'd have done more but my hand is still messed up and I can't cut anything with the rotary cutters. (I think it is some form of arthritis or carpal tunnel in my knuckle closest to my pinkie)
I have begun to assemble the Hexy Quilt. It is getting rather exciting to see it grow a few inches at a time!
Work will hold me prisoner for the next two days and then I hope to tackle more of the Mystery Quilt and the final border for Kevin's quilt.
Oh, and we still don't know what those teeny tiny flowers are in the previous posting!!!

I have been very sick for over a week and am finally getting the BEST therapy, back in the studio.


Anonymous said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty. Love the black as it really sets it off. Hope you are feeling better. Blue

Sherri D said...

Lantana is what it is! I knew you'd figure it out for me! I have another plant out there that I want identified too! lol
Thanks BlueTopaz!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually, my friend in Israel told me and one in Florida. Said they grow like weeds there. Blue

Packratty said...

The aprons are wonderful! Several sweet touches on the pockets make them extra special and for once I am *excited* about giving a Christmas gift instead of "oh drat what should I get this or that person?"

Thanks for your effort, esp when you felt yukky with the sinus thing.