Saturday, October 4, 2008


A new flower was discovered today. I know I have seen these in stores before! lol I assume they are some type of daisy? And no, I am not allergic to them...
I seem to be allergic to my sewing machine!!! I have several projects cut out but have hardly touched them with the sewing machine. From left to right in the photo below are:
  • blue strips for the next border of Kevin's quilt
  • piles of cut fabric, some sewn, for the Pickle Mystery quilt
  • fabric cut out for a 12 block, house block quilt
You don't see the potholders waiting to be quilted. They are beyond the blue strips...just sitting there with all their raw edges exposed!!!

Continuing along the table we see the house block quilt fabric cut out there on the left. Next is a coffee block quilt, and finally the fabrics that I pulled to attempt a table runner. A TABLE RUNNER for gosh sakes. How hard can that be????? I gotta get over this phobia or aversion to sewing with the huge metal tools, I call sewing machines!!!
This is my front door. Someone actually was going to throw out Mr. Spider and his web a few years back. I rescued him and now he guards my door during the month of October. I am so ashamed that I cannot recall who gave me the witch though!

I feel like I should put her face on a milk carton and ask, "Have you seen this witch?" Whomever gave her to me, forgive me for forgetting!!! Of course I might have purchased her at a clearance sale too. I don't know what is spookier...the photos or my Swiss cheese brain!!!


Julie ZS said...

Hi there Walker Lady, glad to see you posting spooky also! I like your front door decoration, that is a good idea.

Kirsty said...

Hey WL! How the *ell are you! (posting spooky word!) So glad to see you posting again, will attempt to keep up!

LOVE the web (we have one at work that I hung up today) and the witchie is lovely...I wonder if Lutra made that one? Isn't she a dollmaker? Hmmm, I even remember you posting about it long, long ago!!

Well, I'm off to bed! Long day, and I too have cottage cheese brain!



Sherri D said...

Thanks Julie and Kirsty! And I thought perhaps Lutra made the little witch too...but the more I think about it, she was in the bargain bin, in tough shape after Halloween last year! lol

She has a home now, for the rest of her life, as does Mr Spider. :)

Deirdre said...

I sent out 15 of those several years ago and I believe you got her in a small water bottle.

Mine hangs in my studio window year round.

:-D eirdre

Sherri D said...

Wow, that has been a LONG time ago! No wonder I forgot!!! I still have the Adam and Eve metal hanging art piece though, that you so kindly gifted me, way back when. :) It is hanging in my studio. Thanks for letting me know!