Friday, January 21, 2011

Hey Mr Postman! Gotta Letter for Me?

Above are some of the fabrics I have pulled for my "My Tweets" block-of-the-month, block one. See the sidebar and click on it if you want to check the whole deal. I just found out QuiltRat is playing along too! She also does some kick-@ss Creative Prompt responses! You should go see them!

Anyway, it is Christmas here today! The doorbell rang around noon and it was the postman with a huge box! In it were some of the products I needed (well wanted is more like it) to start this quilt! The batting was on sale and is for my batting stash. More specifically for this project though, I did get some special freezer paper sheets, Mylar template sheets, and a fingertip thimble that I am going to try.When I checked our mailbox there was the center pattern for this same quilt, that I had ordered. Yippee!!!Now all that is left is for UPS to bring my eQuilter order with the background fabric! I can hardly wait!!!

MUCH later this same day........FINALLY a little after 7pm, the UPS man arrived with my last order! I got some cardinal fabric because Mom always liked cardinals: Some Aurilfil threads: Some green fabric to go in a future old-fashioned retro type quilt: And finally the pale blue, I plan to use in the background of my "My Tweets" quilt! Yippee!!! I get to start in earnest on this tomorrow!
AWAY! HI HO SILVER, AWAY!!! to the washer to get this prepped!

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