Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

We are having a very quiet Christmas with just The Mister, The Child, and Myself. This is sad, in one way, because I miss my older three kids even more during the holidays! This is not sad, because I can spend more time in the studio!

A month or so ago, I went for a walk with my faithful companion, Ziva:

Nearby is a park called "Old Mill". It is very picturesque!

 I finished step two in Bonnie Hunter's Mystery quilt; the dreaded chevrons:

Last, but not least, our simple Christmas tree this year:
I wish all our friends and family, a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a wonderful New Year!  Happy Sewing!

1 comment:

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

I think my family and I visited that park when we were in Arkansas. Is that the one made of concrete?

I love your beautiful dog's name.