I finished another mask. It fits ok-ish.
To make a better fit, I later redid the top seam and put in a nose wire. I used this fleece binding. It actually works quite well and cushions the fabric against my face."Mommy, what doing?"
"Oh Dexter, I need to update my blog. Just give me a few more minutes, ok?"
We've been using curbside grocery pickup for several months now. Four out of the five of us here, are high risk if we catch the virus. Not going into the store isn't so bad and I think I actually save money since I don't impulse buy. The bad thing has been the produce. I get the feeling that most of the stores just let anyone pick out groceries with little training on quality. I am more picky than the person doing the picking.
Take these strawberries for example. Please, take them . . . away! I think there were five that were edible towards the bottom. The rest were hard and just not worth saving.
"Mom, am bored. Done yet?"
"Almost Dexter, and quit draping yourself over the armrest of the sofa!
You're setting a bad example for Roxy."
A closeup:
I sit here in my favorite chair and look out my patio door. There are three different plants blooming out this door. The big grape clusters of a white Crepe Myrtle are in the back. The delicate pink blossoms of the Mimosa tree are in the middle. The purple and white Rose of Sharons are in the foreground.
This is yet another mask pattern I've tried:
It has the pleats oriented vertically instead of the more common horizontal settings. It tends to keep the fabric away from my mouth and nose better. I still think a nose wire would be best and hope to modify this one to include one.My daughter loves Pandas. I found this fabric panel and made her a wall hanging for her office:
The label:
"Done yet?"
"Shhhhh Dex. Almost. Hang on!"
Remember back a few months ago when I swore I would never crochet socks again? Well, a friend named Margi teased me into trying a 'Sock-a-long'. It's like a block of the month in quilting, only with yarn. I could not resist trying one more time. I started with this Kroy FX Sock Yarn in copper. It took days and days to get the gauge right. I've never done a test swatch but the future of my sock making career was on the line!
I will keep you all posted on my success. I won't say "or lack of success" because I shall be stubborn and I WILL make more socks. Not just one pair, either!!! Stay tuned."Now Mom?"
Yes Dexter, I am now done for this time. I hope everyone enjoyed peeking into my little corner of the world. Till next time, stay healthy, AND happy sewing y'all!
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