Sunday, January 22, 2023

Fashionista time

Recently I stumbled across a sale for "Goddess" sized maxi dresses. They come from a company that uses recycled sari material. Each one is one of a kind. These are a silk blend and I look forward to wearing them this summer. They are so comfortable, except....the straps. I am not a fan of spaghetti straps and these were also too short and made the dress cut into my underarms. What to do?
This yellow one has a dark brown and yellow print in the back.
The blue-green and purple one is the same color from front to back.
Then it hit me. I have these silk scarves. I have had them for 20 years and never wore them or used them for anything. I am going to use these to remake the straps so I can wear the dresses comfortably. 
It's hard to see in the photos but the darker part of the green scarf actually looks ok with the dress. The gold one is perfect. I only have them draped here. I might just elongate the straps on the gold one and wear the scarf with it. That would cover my fat arms and look a little more classy I think.
Since I won't be wearing them till summer, I am not in any rush to work on these. 
Keep checking back in and perhaps you'll see what I end up doing!

I have started knitting a scarf. It's going much better than I expected! 
I hope to get it done for Christmas gift giving at the end of this year.

Can you believe someone turned in all these quilt blocks? 
They were nicely made and I have no clue why they were abandoned.
I am putting them together with corner stones and 
it will be given to our community service group for donating.

Part of my 'job' as Challenge Coordinator for my guild is to come up with some Block of the Month challenges. It isn't as easy as just picking a pattern and posting the directions! I test each and every block to be sure the directions read well and the colors work. Sometimes things just do not work out right. The block below was one of those times.
Ok, so I try another pattern. This one goes together well and it's ok-ish, but I don't like it either. I think the strips are too wide at 2.5". I will still use this pattern at a later date but I need to work on the colors to make this one more interesting.

Third time's a charm! Actually a shamrock. 
This will be a block for March. 
In fact, there will be two blocks for March this year. 
For the second block I made the one below and didn't like how it turned out. 
Then I got the idea to make all the pinwheels a neutral color. BINGO! This will work. 
Now all the blocks that are turned in should have some cohesiveness. 
I think the guild will like this pattern. 
I liked it so much that I made three of them.

Ever my faithful friend, Dexter is always telling me to slow down and relax a little bit more. 
On that note, I shall say bye for now and happy crafting to you all!

1 comment:

JayeL said...

I am also not a fan of spaghetti straps. It is a really great idea to use the scarves. I bet they will look pretty and be much more comfortable.