Over the weekend our neighbors had a garage sale and I scored some neat stuff! I got three sets of knitting needles (I don't knit!), some embroidery floss (that I hope to use for the bird eyes in the My Tweets project), a thread holder stand, a medium size embroidery hoop, a wooden shelf, a little decorative table, and this:

I did get two Creative Prompt Project words done too! I am not doing them in order, exactly. The latest two are:

The word "NEW" wasn't easy for me to do. Nothing really came to mind that would translate onto paper. The word "STEM" was easier for me. I have been making lots of stems for the My Tweets quilt. I was inspired by that, to do the drawing above.This last little bit of fabric is something I am going to try and use to re-do a challenge quilt. It is a secret for now and I am only sharing the fabric to tease you with it!

PS: I forgot to mention that Jaye sent me a gift!

PPS: The reason I got this deck of inspirational cards was because I contributed to the Creative Prompt Project when Jaye was having a give-a-way on her blog. You never know when she might do that! Come join the fun! Click on Clara the Cow on my sidebar! (Thanks again Jaye!!!)
You have to say that you won the Whack Pack as a prize for posting some responses. You worked for it!
Love the Stem response, especially. After reading about your embroidery floss, I immediately thought of what a nice embroidery design that would be be.
New was hard! Who makes up these words anyway? ;-)
I added a PPS as to HOW I won the cards. :)
(you're so bossy!) roflmao!
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